Monday, February 14, 2011

oh god job hunting

I always admire people who are brave enough to change career quite often. I somehow am the same. But this time I'm a bit shaky.  Don't know why. Maybe because I'm not sure what I really want. Maybe I'm scared I get to the bad situation, don't know really.

But this should end soon and it will !!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blogging Again???

Apparently I'm coming back with new look and new language. I've grown up or lets say got older since last time I was writing serious blogs.

I guess I lost my interest in writing since I finished my painful PhD. Nothing can kill your interest in writing like PhD.

Maybe a bit of introduction??? but not much

Well from middle east, grown up in the capital city, Tehran. Moved to Germany and then Australia, Officially I'm  Iranian/Australian (what a combination !!!). Then moved to Canada stayed there for 16 months and left. Right now in USA but soon moving out of USA. I told you, I'm a world citizen.

I have PhD in Engineering but really fed up with "degreenized" culture. Doctors are just pumping out of universities like babies out of vaginaes. I have no clue when this stupid transition started. There was a time you should fullfil certain inquiries to be able to continue your education. oh yes once upon a time only very interested and curious people in science would pursue to do PhD. But now, whoever loves title can go for it, or lets be frank, whoever wants to get visa and get out of his own country (I'm talking about Iranians, Chinese, Indians, Pakistanians, ...) will start PhD somewhere. You don't believe me? Well I really don't care what you think. But I'm so sorry to write the truth.

Oh I forgot to mention, you might get fed up with my complains or direct judgments, but sorry I don't really care.

Reffer to "About me" in right side "I am fluent in both sarcasm and irony", yupe that's me for sure

You might read a lot of insults towards culture, religious, politics, society and ... . That's who I am, looking for naked truth without any apology. If you are looking for something else don't waste your time.

Oh well this was my dark side but behind this face, there is a sensitive, caring and some would say very smart lady. Then watch your language ;)

I guess that was a good start.

Now something more serious. Congratulations Egyptians, but please don't fuck it up. Democracy is a long, hard and consistent  journey. Be patient and learn it along the way.

Cheers to victory